Hywel Roberts

Travelling teacher, writer, humourist

At our webinar chatting enthusiasm and creativity

16th July 2019


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Yay! Super creative and highly in demand Hywel will be delivering our July webinar. It’s the last one of the school year (yes, summer is very close!) We’re super excited at how much Hywel fits with our ethos here at Tales Toolkit with a passion for creativity, humour and imagination. We know this is going to be a cracking webinar and one you shouldn’t miss!

Read on for a little more info about Hywel and for details on how to join in.

Hywel has been a teacher for over twenty-five years. His reputation has grown hugely since he stepped out of the full-time classroom. He has found an incredible and innovative niche in the world of model teaching contributing to and advising curriculum designers and innovators from Barnsley to Brussels, from Cairo to Cleethorpes. Hywel is as at home in front of hundreds of Headteachers on the conference circuit as he is when working with EAL children on the carpets of their classrooms.

Hywel contributes to the national conversation around education at school and university level. He is an experienced teacher in Special, Primary and Secondary settings, nationally and internationally. He is also a well- respected author and contributes regularly to a variety of publications.

His award-winning book ‘Oops! Getting Children to Learn Accidentally’ is published by Crown House Publishing and has proved very popular with educators around the world and now is a feature on the reading list of many university teacher training courses. His book ‘Uncharted Territories’ is written with Dr Debra Kidd and was published in 2018. He writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement about his encounters as a ‘travelling teacher’. He has also contributed fiction to a prison-based literacy reading programme developed by The Shannon Trust.
He was recently described as ‘..a world leader in enthusiasm’.

Here are some links to find out more about Hywel!

Check out His website and his Facebook!