Tales Toolkit Members Autumn Competition!
Read on for details of how you could win a £50 resources voucher, special character for your storytelling and have your school featured on our website.

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Nights are drawing in and it’s the term when we celebrate Diwali, Bonfire Night and Halloween so no better time for Tales Toolkit Stories in the dark!

Feel free to interpret this any way you like! Nocturnal animals, fireworks, things that light up and glow in the dark. Anything can go in a story, be creative!
Send a video, photos, written stories, drawings anything to show off your Tales Toolkit story in the dark!

The best story will win a £50 voucher towards Tales Toolkit resources, we’ll feature your story on our website and there will also be a surprise character to win!

Competition is only for Tales Toolkit members.

Send your entries by 22nd November 2019 to Kate at info@talestoolkit.com