Online global storytelling company boss, passionate about making a difference for children, is looking for a creative partner in crime to help run and grow the business. We believe the littlest people have the biggest potential, do you? Tales Toolkit is an exciting, award winning, start-up trying to set the world alight with creativity, imagination and curiosity.

“You want to be part of this?”

Cale Green thumbs up

We’re super excited to be looking for our very first member of staff. We have a brilliant mastermind team of freelancers and advisors but this will be our first proper Tales Toolkit team member! Big moment!

As the Robin to the Founder’s Batman you’ll be right at the heart of things helping to run the business and picking up sparks of ideas to create fire. Getting in right at the start means you have the chance to become a leader in the business, creating your role of the future.

Are you interested? Click the link below to read the full job description. Deadline 21st February 2020

Want to chat? Have any questions? Email us at