
Exciting funding opportunities with ChangeX and the Lego Foundation

New funding pots available across the world!

Rhys Bevan
July 14, 2023
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We’re super excited to announce that we’ll be working closely with ChangeX and the Lego Foundation again to fully fund Tales Toolkit for settings both in the UK and worldwide.

Yes you heard me, fully funded! That means free!

Settings funded will receive Tales Toolkit for 2 years along with money for extra resources.

So far, ChangeX have partnered with The Lego Foundation who are funding a set number of Tales Toolkit settings in the UK, USA, Ireland and Denmark, with more to come worldwide!

The funding is aimed towards creating playful communities – creating opportunities for more play experiences which we all know are super vital.

Tales Toolkit

The funding is on a first come, first served basis. You’ll be asked to complete a 30-day challenge which is super simple and just makes sure that you have the resources in place (time, internet, a staff room, enthusiasm) to make this work. The first settings to complete the challenge will be allocated the funding.

So far this has been aimed mainly at schools and nurseries but we’re open to hearing from other settings which have the ability to reach a community.

If you are a setting eager to use Tales Toolkit and would like funding, head to ChangeX and check the ‘Live Funds’ near you.

If you need some help with the 30-day challenge, there's a handy guide to help you.

Any questions get in touch with us at

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