Upcoming Webinar:

Greg Bottrill
Early Years specialist and author
Webinar: “Nonsense and mild malevolence in early childhood”

We’re so excited to be back doing our Tales Toolkit webinars! But we’re going to do something a little different. As many of you parents can appreciate, hosting a live webinar in the evening as a single mum with toddler in tow is…tricky. So, we’ve decided to pre-record our webinars.

But, we don’t want you to miss out on asking our experts the things that really matter to you.

We’d love to have your questions sent in. Anything you’d like Kate to ask Greg, just email info@talestoolkit.com.

Greg is an experienced Early Years specialist who is passionate about the role of play in our education systems. Believer in imagination, exploration and the magic of childhood.

Join childhood advocate, Greg Bottrill, author of the bestselling ‘Can I Go And Play Now?’ and ‘School and the Magic of Children’ as he shares his top tips for adventuring into childhood with all its creativity, curiosity and sense of possibility.

We will be recording this Webinar with Greg on June 30th, so please send your questions in by June 29th!

The Webinar will go live in the last week of September and remain online for a week.

Greg is an Early Years specialist and author of the bestselling book ‘Can I Go And Play Now?’ and ‘School and the Magic of Children.’ He is passionate about childhood, the art of co-playing and the joyfulness of children. 

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Here are some links to find out more about Greg!

Check out Greg’s blog and his books available to buy

If you would like to know more about how Tales Toolkit can benefit your school, check out our brochure.