Jane Evans
International Parenting Coach, Childhood Trauma and Media Expert
11 November 2020
Webinar discussing: “Childhood Trauma and Anxiety”

We’re super excited that Jane Evans will be chatting at our November webinar.

Jane travels the world, speaking, training, coaching and writing on stress and anxiety

During these difficult time with Covid-19 it’s more important than ever for us to put a focus on children’s social emotional development. Seems perfect timing to chat with Jane on her expert approach to childhood trauma and anxiety.

Not one to be missed!

International parenting coach and childhood trauma and media expert Jane Evans credits the children, young people, parents and carers she has worked with and cared for as being her greatest teachers. They have consistently shown and taught her the realities of how lives are profoundly shaped by early childhood experiences.

Jane’s huge curiosity about the why behind child and adult struggles with anxiety and low self-worth has led her to study a wide range of cutting-edge body and brain-based science.

Jane brings her professional and life experience to her roles as a renowned TV and radio expert and author of four children’s books, TED Talker, and international speaker and coach. She makes the why behind people’s behaviours simple to grasp. She provides solid, practical solutions so that everyone has the opportunity to live well beyond their anxiety and other limiting beliefs and behaviours.

Click the “Register here” link at the top of the page to join the webinar.

Why not do this now – you can’t register too early! If you need a little help joining, we’ve put together some notes to help you:

Check out Jane’s website