Upcoming Webinar:

David Cameron
Education consultant and leading voice in Education

 “Recreating reality – the power of stories to change worlds”

We’re so excited to be back doing our Tales Toolkit webinars! But we’re going to do something a little different. As many of you parents can appreciate, hosting a live webinar in the evening as a single mum with toddler in tow is…tricky. So, we’ve decided to pre-record our webinars.

But, we don’t want you to miss out on asking our experts the things that really matter to you.

We will be recording this Webinar with David on November 8th.

Please send questions by November 6th, we want to hear from you!

The Webinar will go live in the new year and remain online for a week. We’ll be in touch with more info about this nearer the date.

We’d love to have your questions sent in. Anything you’d like Kate to ask David, just email info@talestoolkit.com.

David Cameron has established himself as a leading voice in education. He has led a variety of national reviews and been extensively involved in national developments in Scotland.

He has presented at conferences across the UK and internationally, but he remains committed to working with teachers, learners and anyone else who will have him. He has extensive experience at all levels in education, most recently as Director of Children’s Services for Stirling Council.

As an independent consultant, he has maintained that level of involvement and further broadened his experiences. He has a particular interest in creativity and creative industries. He has presented at TEDx, organises regular Creative Conversations for Edinburgh City and has been extensively involved in developing Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan.

Find out more about David on his website

David can be contacted at therealdavidcameron@gmail.com and found on twitter @realdcameron

If you would like to know more about how Tales Toolkit can benefit your school, why not sign up for a free account?