David Cameron

Inspirational Educational Speaker, Mentor and Advisor

David is a passionate supporter of the teaching profession and strongly believes in the importance of providing children with opportunities to develop as full human being, not just "tick-boxes".

It was a real honour to host David Cameron (otherwise known as The Real David Cameron) for a Tales Toolkit webinar on this topic. In this webinar, David shares his perspective on education and how he believes storytelling can empower children. David Cameron has advised on educational reform in Scotland and continues to communicate directly with teachers working on the ground on a daily basis. He's an inspirational speaker, with a unique, entertaining and gutsy perspective. Check out his TEDx talks on YouTube.

In this webinar, David discusses how open-eneded resources like Tales Toolkit are powerful tools for early years practitioners. Open-ended resources, paired with effective structure, create an endless world of possibility for children. In this world of possibility, they can never be wrong, they can try and fail without consequence (don't underestimate the importance of "failure"). Entire worlds can be reinvented and reimagined, giving children the critical skills they'll rely on later in both their academic and personal development.